Scout Hughes is 24. She lives and writes in Omaha, Nebraska. She self published a collection of poems titled “FAGGOT’S ANONYMOUS” in 2020. She, like your boyfriend, is open for business. Her work includes poetry, prose, and nonfiction accounts related to addiction, queerness, motherhood, mental health, and her many lifetimes of cross country moves. She credits her son River to helping her grow and making her a MILF.

My boyfriend, Luke Combs. No, apologies, My boyfriend would like a comb for my long hair. My boyfriend is Tracy Chapman until my father finds out and turns the radio off. My boyfriend is my cool Nebraska guy. My boyfriend is Willa Cather. O! He’s a pioneer. My boyfriend loves the great plains, and I’m Laura Ingalls Wilder. My boyfriend lost his childhood in a tornado, in a flood, in a controlled burning of the failed crops. My boyfriend says we’re not in Kansas anymore, and I ask how long it will be until we’re back in Omaha. My boyfriend doesn’t need GPS. He’s got the land saved in the worn of his palm. My boyfriend is taking me to the World's fair. My boyfriend’s mother is a coal miner's daughter from back east. My boyfriend steals his father’s vicodin. My boyfriend has me go to the rich Hy-Vee out west to take baby formula and put it in my tote bag. My boyfriend thinks he’s breaking Bad when he’s better off calling Saul. My boyfriend makes methamphetamine and gets me higher than the beating sun on the Summer Solstice. My boyfriend’s got a car now, and it goes really fucking fast. My boyfriend’s gonna get us out of Nebraska before his family wakes. My boyfriend’s the only family I got. My boyfriend was a Class C Quarterback until they cut the program. My boyfriend says let’s go west. I can get my medical card in Colorado. My boyfriend’s got a plan. All I gotta say is I DO. My boyfriend could be someone. All he’s gotta say is I AM. My boyfriends got no skin in the game, but maybe together we can get somewhere. My boyfriend lost his lottery ticket. My boyfriend turns my radio back on. My boyfriend had an accident at work. Somebody’s gotta take care of my boyfriend. My boyfriend’s got his fast car, and he’s got his girl. We’ve got speed for days and a Tracy Chapman CD. My boyfriend and I are gonna get out of Nebraska, but I can’t seem to scratch it out of us.